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June Solstice 2023 & Stonehenge

The Summer solstice is here! It's officially the first day of Summer and the longest day of the year - but what else can we find out about the longest day of the year and Stonehenge, the World Heritage site where people come together in the hundreds to celebrate?

What We’ve Achieved: Jan – June

It's the end of the academic year, and we've done a lot these first 6 months of 2023. Come and join us for a recap of Jan - June, and everything we've achieved as we prepare to say goodbye to 2022/23.

World Ocean Day

World Ocean Day is every year on the 8th June over 150 countries. Youth, organisation leaders and those passionate about saving the blue planet. World Ocean Day unites the world together to rally, protect and restore our blue planet.

Mental Health Awareness Week 2023

With mental health awareness week 2023 and this year's theme of anxiety coming to an end, here is a small recap of some things we've done this week from informing parent's on how to help their child dealing with anxiety to a workshop held by a samartians representative. Read on to find out more.

Fundraising for Syria and Turkey and an Engineering Conference

Every year, our Engineering and Technology pathway show off what they've learnt to staff and students at the college and have their own little conference. This year, we held a bake sale to fundraise and help those in need following the devastating earthquakes in Syria and Turkey. Read on to find out more about the event and how much we raised!

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