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How To Stay Safe on a Night Out

For some of you, coming to the University of Leicester will mean studying and eating out. Others of you, may want to experience more of what Leicester has to offer, including its nightlife. If you want to experience Leicester's nightlife, here's some ways to keep yourself safe.

Happy Birthday To LGSC Blog

A year ago tomorrow, on the September 21st 2022, we posted out first ever blog post. We've gone through the last, however many blog posts, and picked out 5 of our favourites to look back on.

Pre-Welcome Week + What to Bring

Welcome week is around the corner. Here's an updated reminder of things you need to bring, and things to be aware of, as you prepare to join LGSC in September.

An International Student POV: Things I Don’t Regret Bringing

The countdown to welcome week is on! Moving away to university is a scary time and that's whether you're moving to down the road or a whole country away. We spoke to an ex-international student about what they don't regret bringing from home to make the transition to life as a student in the UK a little easier.

A Student Ambassador’s Experience at LGSC

Our student ambassador, Demi, writes about his experience about being a student at LGSC and all things you need to know when it comes to studying in the UK.

Virtual Open Day 2023

Unconditional or conditional offer holder? Come along to our 2020 Virtual Open Day to hear about all things LGSC.

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